This application is no longer available for completion online.
Application Fee


Submission Deadline

Mar 01, 2024

Application Deadline: March 1, 2024 by 5:00 PM ET

The Certificate in Leadership Coaching is a highly competitive program with a selective admissions process. A complete application will include the following:

  1. Leadership Coaching Essay (please submit in PDF)
  2. Resume or CV (please submit in PDF)
  3. Letter of Recommendation #1 (see note below)
  4. Letter of Recommendation #2 (see note below)
  5. $50 Nonrefundable Application Fee (at time of submission)

Please be sure to click the SAVE button at each stage of the application process, including after uploading documents, to ensure your work is saved during the process.

Notes on Letters of Recommendation

  • Your recommenders will not receive the link to the online recommendation form until you submit your complete application and application fee in the application portal. To ensure all application materials are received by the deadline, please submit your application with sufficient time (at least one week) for the letters of recommendation to be received prior to the deadline.
  • We strongly recommend that you provide a personal email address for each recommender to ensure your recommenders receive the link. Government, military, and corporate email addresses often have email filters that delay or prevent email messages from being delivered in a timely manner.

For each cohort, an application review committee offers admission to a select and diverse group of students to enrich the classroom experience. In order to ensure that there is a baseline of knowledge and experience of students in the cohort, applicants should have the following pre-requisites:

  • A bachelors degree.
  • At least five years of education, training and/or professional experience in coaching, human resources, leadership, organization development, or a related field.
  • Openness to feedback; capacity for self-examination; willingness to challenge one's own beliefs.

During the admissions review, strong emphasis is placed on the quality of responses to the essay questions to determine an applicant's openness to feedback, capacity for self-examination, and willingness to challenge one's own beliefs.

In addition, applicants are strongly encouraged to view the program webinar, and be familiar with the program's admissions philosophy.

Please note: all admissions decisions will be issued via email by May 1, 2024.

Required fields are indicated by .