
Course Description

The Certificate in Education Program Evaluation prepares you with an advanced understanding of program evaluation theory, methods, and applications for the 21st century. Through case studies and hands-on exercises, you’ll develop the well-rounded skills and expertise needed to support and influence programs across not only the education sector, but also non-profit organizations, government, and associations.

Module 1: Program Planning, Analysis and Evaluation

  1. Examine the relationship between assessment, analysis, and evaluation
  2. Recognize the steps in the evaluation process
  3. Identify strong and weak examples of evaluation problems, purpose statements and evaluation research questions.
  4. Recognize and compare a broad range of evaluation theories and techniques
  5. Develop a logic model for program evaluation and describe its different components

Module 2: Research Method

  1. Explain the theoretical concepts and components of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research.
  2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each research approach and when to apply each in the evaluation design.
  3. Compute various descriptive statistics; understand the limitations of statistics, its methods and its application to real-world problems.
  4. Analyze practical problems researchers face and identify solutions and alternatives.
  5. Examine the ethical considerations researchers should address when conducting evaluations

Module 3: Program Evaluation Design

  1. Apply appropriate approaches and models to design a program evaluation.
  2. Specify and apply steps in the evaluation design process.
  3. Develop implementation plans for program evaluations including:
    1. Identifying appropriate methodologies for specific evaluations 
    2. Collecting data
    3. Analyzing results
    4. Preparing evaluation reports
  4. Identify political, resource, ethical and time factors affecting program evaluation.
  5. Prepare a memorandum of agreement outlining a specific program evaluation design that will meet professional standards for organization, completeness and writing skills


Course Objectives

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Compare, analyze, and apply evaluation theories and techniques
  2. Distinguish and connect various models and methodologies used in evaluation 
  3. Apply appropriate research methodology to program evaluations
  4. Design a program evaluation plan
  5. Discuss ways to use evaluation findings to create recommendations


Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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