
Course Description

Coaching is a dynamic and evolving profession and, like all professionals, coaches must be sensitive to and stay aware of ethical and legal issues that could impact their work.  In this course, we look at coaching and ethics using a granular perspective, examining real life situations that coaches have had to negotiate. Participants will conduct a thorough analysis of the resources that guide coaches – the ICF Code of Ethics and the ICF Core Competencies.  Participants will have a clear understanding of the importance of ethics in the coaching profession, concrete examples of how ethics play into coaching relationships even before a client decides to hire the coach, and tools to ensure their coaching practice remains ethically sound.


Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Recognize actual or potential ethical dilemmas in coaching
  • Identify resources to support ethical decision making in coaching
  • Integrate the ICF Code of Ethics standards in your coaching practice
  • Develop a coaching agreement to support building ethical relationships
  • Identify the key stakeholders in the coaching environment, including internal and external coaching engagements, and apply ethical guidance to foster professional relationships with them. 


Enrollment in this course is restricted. Students must submit an application and be accepted into the Certificate in Leadership Coaching in order to register.

Current Georgetown students must create an application using their Georgetown NetID and password. New students will be prompted to create an account.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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