
Course Description

Over the past 50 years, franchising has evolved into one of the most dynamic, transformative business strategies in the world. This course takes a detailed look at how franchising started, evolved and transformed into its current form. An in-depth look at why people start a franchise, buy a franchise and use the franchise model will be explored. In addition, an examination of the different alternatives to the franchise model will be considered to understand the value and purpose of franchising.  A franchise business has many unique and diverse needs that must be effectively addressed through a dedicated management system.  We will examine each of the key management components to determine their role in the franchise model.

Course Outline

Online  Study:  

Introduction and Overview  

Franchising and the Alternatives 

A Global Perspective  

Economic Impact of Franchising  

Dealing with Disputes in Franchising  

Site Selection and Real Estate  



Face-to-Face Classroom :

DAY ONE (9am – 5pm) Thursday

Welcome, Introductions and Overview

Legal Analysis  

A Brand Development

Strategic Planning in Franchising 

Strategic Planning


DAY TWO (9am – 5pm) Friday

Reflection and Review

Franchising International

Franchising International 

Social Impact of Franchising

Social Franchising 

  • .

DAY THREE (8am – 4pm) Saturday

Reflection and Review

Marketing the Franchise

Marketing the Franchise

Franchise Relationships

Franchise Relations –  

Review, Wrap-up & Evaluations


Course Objectives

  • Discuss the history and transformation of the franchise industry and common motivations to start, buy, and use the franchise model.
  • Compare the franchise model to corporate structures, chain development, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.
  • Discuss fundamentals of the economic and social impact of franchising.
  • Discuss best practices in franchising management
  • Assess common franchise systems, support and monitoring

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Mar 03, 2025 to Mar 12, 2025
Th, F, Sa
9:00AM to 5:00PM
Mar 13, 2025 to Mar 15, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Tuition
Tuition non-credit $2,750.00
Section Notes

This course has both an asynchronous online and a classroom learning component.

  • March 3 - 12 -- Online Component 
  • March 13, 14, 15 -- Will meet at the Georgetown University SCS Campus, 640 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC     

    This class section will be held on the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies campus at 640 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC.

    All students entering the building must meet the health and safety standards of the University.  Complete details can be found at https://www.georgetown.edu/coronavirus/ 


The Franchise Management Certificate consists of two unique sessions which can be completed in any order and/or independently. Each session comprises an online component, which must be successfully completed prior to attending a three-day face-to-face component. CFE Credits from the ICFE will be granted upon completion of either/each session as outlined below:

  • 31 IFA  CFE 

Students that complete both Sessions I & II within a 2-year period will be eligible for the Certificate in Franchise Management from Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies.

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