
Course Description

A polarity perspective (or both/and mindset) not only supports (and challenges) us as we navigate the many polarities embedded in the DEI realm, it also helps us build a capacity for both/and that allows us to hold and value many social group identities simultaneously. In this session, we will explore the tensions that are specific to DEI influencers, examine the ways polarities can help practitioners explore how they approach DEI conversations, and reflect on what that means in practical terms for individual practices and their collective impact on the world.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what a polarity is, why they matter, and how they work
  • Explore the tensions that are specific to DEI practitioners and expand use of self by learning to use polarities as a way to see, talk about, and work with polarities
  • See how expanding your capacity for both/and also supports accessing more of your historically centered and historically excluded social group identities

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Tuition non-credit $0.00
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Tuition non-credit $0.00
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