
Course Description

Risk management is the structured, disciplined approach to dealing with unknown events and their effects - positive or negative - on project performance. Students will understand the importance of managing risk at the project level. This course reviews the standard risk management process, including risk identification, impact analysis, risk response planning, and risk monitoring and control. Students will learn to assess risk tolerance of stakeholders to determine the appropriate risk responses. Case studies will illustrate how risk management is successfully used in a variety of fields to improve project performance by applying risk management techniques.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course a student should be able to: 

  1. Describe the role that risk management plays in effectively managing projects. 

  2. Determine the risk tolerance of stakeholders to guide the risk management plan. 

  3. Identify the components of risk management. 

  4. Apply risk management techniques to develop a comprehensive risk management plan.  

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Apr 07, 2025 to Apr 13, 2025
Contact Hours
Course Tuition
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Section Notes

Welcome to Online Learning -

  • Course materials can be accessed on your own time within the set time frame of the course
  • Your experience is typically self-guided
  • Materials may include text-based lecture notes, self-guided interactive learning modules, or pre-recorded lectures and podcasts
  • Complete assignments based on your understanding.
  • Each assignment has a deadline to help you manage your time and stay on track to success.
  • Gives you the chance to review information, take notes, and practice retention without concern over the speed of a lecture or the pace of your classmates.
  • Shape your learning experience based on your needs as opposed to the tempo of the classroom.
Live Online
9:00AM to 5:00PM
May 22, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Course Tuition
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Section Notes

Welcome to Live Online - Intensive Learning Experience!

You will complete all course requirements for the Certificate in Project Management within 2 weeks.

Using the Live Online platform, Georgetown faculty deliver real-time online exceptional educational experiences based on a human-centered approach that integrates the needs of professional learners and the possibilities of technology.

Live online classes are small to support highly interactive engaged learning and collaboration, deliver the same learning objectives as classroom courses, and count towards the completion of a Georgetown certificate.

You will experience:

  • live lectures, discussions, activities, and the dynamic exploration of topics and concepts
  • the immediacy of live connections with the instructor and your peers to challenge and encourage innovative thinking and the meaningful exploration of ideas
  • networking and the creation of social connections with other professional learners in a global classroom
May 26, 2025 to Jun 08, 2025
Contact Hours
Course Tuition
Tuition non-credit $695.00
Section Notes

Welcome to Online Learning -

  • Course materials can be accessed on your own time within the set time frame of the course
  • Your experience is typically self-guided
  • Materials may include text-based lecture notes, self-guided interactive learning modules, or pre-recorded lectures and podcasts
  • Complete assignments based on your understanding.
  • Each assignment has a deadline to help you manage your time and stay on track to success.
  • Gives you the chance to review information, take notes, and practice retention without concern over the speed of a lecture or the pace of your classmates.
  • Shape your learning experience based on your needs as opposed to the tempo of the classroom.
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