Jacqueline is a Black, Xennial (cusp of Gen X and millennial) cisgender woman. Born in Columbus, Ohio,
Jacqueline grew up in a predominately white neighborhood where her parents were the first Black family to
move to the community. Having to navigate predominately white spaces from pre-school through high
school, she experienced racism early in life and realized that as a Black woman, society viewed her as less-
than. Fortunately, she had strong role models in her parents who instilled pride in her background and
history. Growing up, when she experienced systems of inequity, she found herself drawn to making positive
change. This passion followed her to college, grad school and eventually, the workplace.
For undergrad, Jacqueline chose to attend Spelman College (a historically Black, women’s institution) – a
decision she made at age 12. This experience shaped who she is and how she connects to diversity, equity
and inclusion. Spelman’s motto – ‘a choice to change the world’ guides how she remains optimistic and
focused on moving forward. Spelman provided a safe space to explore identity outside of being a Black
woman and gave Jacqueline the freedom and confidence to embrace her authentic self.
Currently, Jacqueline is a diversity, equity, and inclusion leader with over 15 years of experience in
developing inclusion-based initiatives, change management and human resources management. Jacqueline
currently serves as the VP of People and Culture at Uniglobe Travel Designers. In this role, she is responsible
for implementing equitable and inclusive practices to ensure all employees can reach their full potential.
Prior to Uniglobe Travel Designers, she served as the Global Director, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Ahold
Delhaize. In this role, she was responsible for developing and advancing the company's global diversity,
equity and inclusion strategy. Jacqueline is also a faculty member for Georgetown’s Executive Certificate in
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Management program where she is lead faculty for Course 4: A Systems
Approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Measurement and Accountability.
Prior to Ahold Delhaize, Jacqueline served in diversity, equity and inclusion leadership roles for non-profit and
Fortune 500 companies. She has extensive experience in developing and implementing a diversity, equity and
inclusion strategy from the ground up and inspiring others to join the movement.
Personal Quote: ‘My calling is to eliminate fear and intolerance around differences. I believe that individuals
should have the freedom to bring their full selves to work and that all should have equitable opportunities to
succeed. My proudest moments are when I see indicators that my contributions are melding into the DNA of
an organization, and I see other leaders taking ownership to drive diversity, equity, and inclusion progress.’
Jacqueline holds a master’s in human resources, Diversity & Inclusion Management concentration from
Georgetown University, an MBA from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheller College of Business and a
BA in Economics from Spelman College. She holds certifications including a Management Certificate from The
Ohio State University and a Race and Equity in Higher Education Certificate from the Penn Institute for
Doctoral Students. She is also a Qualified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).
Outside of the workplace and classroom, Jacqueline enjoys traveling, Pilates and spending time with her